4 Signs It Is Time to See a Doctor About That Headache

4 Signs It Is Time to See a Doctor About That Headache

Almost everybody experiences a headache every once in a while. However, for some people, these headaches are more frequent and severe than normal. In such cases, it becomes a question of whether to take pain relievers and ride out the pain or see a headache Dundalk specialist. Headaches are not always a harmless side effect of too much noise – they can be a symptom of a serious condition. Here are four signs that you should discuss your headache with your doctor.

1.  Low Quality of Work, Sleep, and Activity

A pounding headache can keep you from sleeping. Poor quality or lack of sleep, in turn, can result in a headache, creating a vicious cycle. If your headache affects your productivity at work or school or lowers your sleep quality, you should not ignore it. Your doctor may have several techniques they can recommend to break the cycle and restore your sleep and activity levels.

2.  Persistent Symptoms Despite Taking OTC Painkillers

Most mild headaches go away with over-the-counter pain relievers. However, this kind of intervention can be ineffective when you do not know the type of headache you are trying to treat. There are different types of headaches, each best relieved in a certain way. For example, medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen cannot relieve a migraine but can do away with a tension headache. If your headache persists despite taking OTC drugs, you should get a proper diagnosis from your doctor.

3.  Increased Frequency or Severity

It is also important to see a doctor if your headaches keep getting worse and happen more frequently. These could be signs of a more serious medical issue like high blood pressure. When you visit your doctor, they can determine why your headaches are worsening with time and prescribe treatment.

4.  Frequent Headaches Without an Obvious Trigger

You can usually tell why you have a headache. Maybe you were in a noisy environment all day, you haven’t drank water for days, or someone next to you is wearing overpowering perfume. But, if you cannot explain why your head is aching, there could be an underlying problem. It is important to consult your doctor, who can help you identify the trigger of your headache. Sometimes, a headache is secondary, which means it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Your doctor can diagnose and treat this issue as well.

Headaches as a Medical Emergency

Sometimes, a headache can be a medical emergency requiring urgent medical care. You should call 911 or see your doctor immediately if you experience a headache that:

  1. Is accompanied by vision changes, numbness, and weakness
  2. Begins after you get injured, especially if it is a head injury
  3. Is accompanied by changes in personality, confusion, fainting, or a seizure
  4. Is accompanied by very severe pain
  5. Starts suddenly and quickly becomes severe
  6. Is accompanied by fever and/or a stiff neck


Did you know that over 45 million people experience chronic headaches yearly? Most of these headaches go away with pain relievers and some lifestyle changes, while others persist even with home treatment. If these sound like the headaches you experience, you should reach out to CHOICE Pain & Rehabilitation Center experts for diagnosis and treatment. Call the Dundalk office today to schedule an appointment or book one online.