5 Concerning Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

5 Concerning Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

If you have a terrible encounter or experiences, you may acquire post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD develops as a result of a variety of causes. These may include a history of mental ailment, the severity and type of trauma, and how you personally experienced it. This syndrome is more likely if the trauma was unexpected, prolonged, caused by others, and involved a perceived threat to your life. Fortunately, the harmful effects of PTSD can be undone if you seek post traumatic stress disorder Flowood treatment. If you begin to exhibit these PTSD symptoms, treatment can assist you in fully recovering.


Re-experiencing is the most prevalent PTSD symptom. This occurs when you spontaneously and intensely recall the traumatic experience through flashbacks, nightmares, repeated and unsettling images or sensations, and physical symptoms such as pain, sweating, feeling nauseous, or trembling. Some individuals have repeated negative thoughts about their experience, constantly asking themselves questions that inhibit them from accepting the events.

Mood or Thought Changes

Individuals suffering from PTSD may perceive the world to be a dangerous place. And because they are preoccupied with protecting themselves from it, they find it problematic to go out in public. Isolation can lead to depression, or a person may act in an irrational manner when they see no future. In that case, they may be more willing to take risks or engage in risky behavior.

Altered Anxiety State

PTSD can cause people to be on edge and on the lookout for danger (hypervigilance). What it all comes down to is that people are more anxious. Their surprise is exaggerated. They are jitterier or frequently looking over their shoulder. It is a physical manifestation of PTSD and a response to the body’s increased anxiety and the need to be alert to potential threats.

Internal Recollections of a Traumatic Event

Trauma symptoms typically manifest as nightmares or flashbacks. It is critical to understand that these are not just memories. They are unwanted, inconvenient episodes in which a person feels as if they are back in the life-threatening situation as if they are watching a movie or witnessing it unfolding in front of them. It appears to them to be very real.

Emotional Numbing

When you are dealing with your emotions, and you try to suppress them, it will lead to a condition called emotional numbing. As a result, you will become secluded, blank, disconnected and withdrawn, as well as ceasing to partake in activities you have previously enjoyed.

It is critical to seek any necessary assistance in the days and weeks following a stressful occurrence. This may entail gaining access to knowledge, people, and services that can assist you in your recovery. Family and friends’ support may be all that is required. Otherwise, a doctor is the best place to start for additional assistance. If you need assistance with PTSD symptoms, please visit or make an appointment with a specialist at Precise Research Centers. You are guaranteed to receive assistance and heal from your painful experience.