5 Drug-free Methods That Can Help Treat Your Concussion Symptoms

5 Drug-free Methods That Can Help Treat Your Concussion Symptoms

A concussion is a common condition caused by a mild traumatic head injury. It can disrupt the normal function of your brain and cause various symptoms that can last for days, weeks, or months. Concussions should not be taken lightly, as they can cause actual damage to your brain tissues if not properly diagnosed and treated. Fortunately, there are various treatment options, including drug-free methods, you can acquire from a concussion treatment Conyers specialist to help alleviate your symptoms. Here are several drug-free concussion treatments that can lower your risk of brain damage.

  1. Motion Exercises

After a traumatic head injury, your brain might be severely affected, limiting your ability to do strenuous physical exercises. Vigorous exercises might stress your brain and worsen your concussion symptoms. For these reasons, your doctor might recommend a light range of motion exercises and stretches, such as lightly moving your head up and down or left to right. These light motion exercises can help restore balance and stimulate your brain. 

  1. Stability Exercises

During your concussion recovery period, your doctor might recommend stability exercises as an effective drug-free medical treatment option. These stability exercises focus on exposing you to an unstable environment to stimulate your brain’s proprioceptors which play a role in treating concussion symptoms. 

Some stability exercises include light leg curls and lifting one leg off the ground to stimulate your brain’s ability to balance itself during various situations. Under your doctor’s guidance, you can effectively incorporate these stability balances into your daily routine.

  1. Physical Rest

Physical ample rest is among the most effective drug-free methods of treating a concussion. Sleeping in an environment with no loud noises or bright lights can help stimulate your brain in treating concussion-related symptoms. Resting helps your recover both mentally and physically. 

However, it would be best if you did not sleep for too long as it can prolong or worsen your symptoms. The recommended resting period for a concussion should be 24 to 48 hours. Your doctor might encourage you to resume your normal activities after your symptoms have subsided

  1. Medical Treatments

After experiencing a head injury, it is always best to visit an emergency room for a proper diagnosis. Your healthcare provider might conduct various imaging procedures, such as CT scans or X-rays, before providing further medical advice on managing your concussion.

If you display severe concussion symptoms, your doctor might equip you with headgear to prevent further head injuries. 

Also, if your concussion is related to a sports or car accident, your chiropractor might conduct a diagnosis through an X-ray to determine signs of neck injuries. Depending on the results, they might help you relieve persistent headaches and neck pains during your recovery.

  1. Vestibular Therapy

A traumatic head injury can significantly increase your risk of visual or vestibular problems that can cause dizziness, balance dysfunction, gaze instability, and blurry vision. Through vestibular therapy, your brain can learn to use your other sensory organs as it heals from concussion-related symptoms. 

Depending on the severity of your concussion, your doctor might need to take a specific-medical approach during vestibular therapy. This therapy includes various activities such as balance training, regular exercise, and gaze stabilization. 

Even though concussion symptoms might go away on their own, it is always best to seek treatment. If you or a loved one recently experienced a traumatic head injury, visit Spine Center Atlanta for a concussion diagnosis and treatment to avoid further serious brain issues. You will receive a comprehensive explanation of any concussion-related questions you might have. Call today or book an online or an in-person appointment.