5 Regular Facial Care Tips to Observe At Home

5 Regular Facial Care Tips to Observe At Home

When taking care of your skin, your face is essential since it is delicate and exposed to harmful elements such as dust, pollutants, sunrays, and extreme weather. Therefore, you should take care of your face daily and go for professional facials Mt Kisco every few weeks. Facial treatment has many benefits, including skin rejuvenation, pollutants removal, stress reduction, skin hydration, slowing aging, smoothening out of fine lines, and detoxifying the skin.

Taking care of your facial skin at home may mean you do not have to frequently deal with facial skin problems and visit an esthetician at a spa, a beauty salon, or a dermatologist’s office. Subsequently, below are regular home solutions that will always be beneficial.

  • Face washing

Thoroughly wash your face after waking up in the morning and after a day’s work and sweating in the evening. Use warm water and a cleanser that does not have alcohol content and is not abrasive. Apply the cleaner using your fingertips. If you must scrub your face, do it gently.

Once done applying the cleanser, rinse it from your face, so it does not end up blocking your skin pores.

  • Sun care

Direct exposure to sunlight means exposure to UV( ultraviolet) rays. UV rays promote not only skin cancer but also skin aging. You are at high risk of melanoma if regularly exposed to intense sunlight before you reach 20 years old. That type of skin cancer occurs in the cells producing melanin, the pigment giving your skin its natural color.

Protect your facial skin by applying sunscreen or wearing sunglass.

  • Avoid smoking

Studies continue linking smoking and tobacco use with premature skin destruction and aging. Smoking makes your skin age faster, and your look dull and old because of nicotine exposure. Nicotine constricts your blood vessels, disrupting routine healing and recovery and renewing cells. As a result, you get to have dry, dull-looking skin.

The chemicals in cigarettes and other tobacco products are also notorious for promoting collagen destruction and less production. Therefore, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin sagging appear since the skin cannot afford its usual elasticity.

  • Stay hydrated

Health experts recommend that women drink about 2.5 liters of fluid while men drink approximately 3.5 liters. Fruits and food you consume, such as juice, milk, and pineapples, contribute to your daily water intake.

Drink even more water if you regularly perform intense physical exercise since much water gets lost via sweating.

  • Get enough rest

When you constantly lack enough quality sleep, your facial skin tends to appear worn-out and tired. Moreover, sleep deprivation makes you feel anxious, depressed, and irritated, which leads to insomnia.

Sleep experts recommend you try and get more than seven hours of sleep every night. And if affected by anxiety and depression, carry out regular exercises like yoga, walking, and running.

Even after observing the tips, you will still need a little help from a facial care professional.

Contact The Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery today for facials to improve and maintain your skin health.