6 Interesting Facts About Cellulite That You Should Understand

6 Interesting Facts About Cellulite That You Should Understand

Having smooth skin has always been the aspiration of almost every individual worldwide. However, it is not always easy to meet this aspiration due to dietary habits. For example, the excessive intake of carbohydrates can increase the chances of dimpling on some parts of the skin, such as the thighs and abdomen. These dimples are very disturbing since you may not alleviate them from your skin through certain physical activities. However, if you have this condition, you need not worry since there are effective treatments for Elmhurst cellulite. Here are the facts concerning cellulite that you should understand.

The Conditions Occur in a Different Form

Depending on the skin location, the cellulite usually differs in appearance. For example, if the condition occurs on your buttocks, they seem like deep dimples with discrete features. While on your thigh, the dimples assume your skin’s flat mattress appearance and firm texture. You get the treatment depending on the kind of dimpling that you have on your skin.

Genetic Factors Can Contribute to Cellulite

Individuals from the family with a history of dimpling on certain skin parts are more likely to suffer from cellulite. Therefore, you should undergo genetic testing to know whether you are predisposed to this condition and to observe certain lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk.

Fillers Can Reduce the Appearance of the Dimply Skin

In most cases, individuals seek dermal fillers such as Radiesse to eliminate facial wrinkles, not knowing they can have other benefits. Notably, when the specialists inject the area with the cellulite, you will note the improvement in your dimple skin. However, the outcomes are only temporary, lasting for a few months.

Women Are More Likely to Suffer From This Condition Than Men

Women are highly susceptible to cellulite since they have a high content of fats around their thighs and hips. Also, they have less supportive tissues to bear those fat deposits. However, this should not limit men from pursuing different treatment options if they suffer from this condition.

Noninvasive Procedures Can Help

Noninvasive procedures have shown effectiveness in reducing the appearance of dimple skin. Some techniques, such as laser treatment, surpass even the expensive creams you get from drugstores in treating cellulite. These noninvasive techniques are, however, effective within the short term, after which you will start experiencing skin unevenness again.

Inactivity Can Increase the Risk of the Cellulite

Individuals whose occupations do not involve significant physical activities are more vulnerable to dimple skin. Therefore, if you operate a computer all day in an office, you should break the long sitting sessions with some walks within the office. It would be best if you also planned for the lunch workout to engage in cardio exercise, which helps to improve your muscle tone.

Do you live with cellulite? Millions of individuals suffer from this awful, dimple skin condition that interferes with skin tone in certain areas of the skin. If you are a victim, it is time to seek a long-lasting remedy. Jacquelline Leva, DO, and Ginny Leva, MD of Leva Medical, provide reliable injectable treatments to patients with cellulite to improve their skin tone. Book an online appointment and visit the facility in Elmhurst to receive quality services.