IV Therapy: How It Works and Its Benefits

IV Therapy: How It Works and Its Benefits

You have probably heard of the many benefits of drinking enough water each day. Besides quenching your thirst, water regulates your body temperature, prevents infections, keeps joints lubricated, delivers nutrients to cells, and keeps organs functioning correctly. Unfortunately, sometimes our bodies get dehydrated after an intense workout session, a fun night out with friends, or due to sickness. Whichever the cause of your dehydration, Glendale Luxbae offers IV therapy – the fastest way to deliver fluids, vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants into your body.

What is IV therapy?

iv therapy oregon is a method whereby fluids are delivered through your vein directly into your bloodstream. It is the fastest and most effective way to give your body the nutrition it needs. The process bypasses the digestive system, allowing vitamins to go into the bloodstream, resulting in faster and more effective results. Initially, IV therapies were a reservation for hospital patients who were dehydrated or too sick to eat. But today, healthy people can enjoy the benefits of IV therapy, such as fast rehydration and revitalization.

What to expect during an IV therapy session

IV therapy is straightforward; expect a uniform process regardless of the type of IV therapy you get. Generally, you will sit or lie in a comfortable area throughout the session. Your provider will disinfect the injection site and insert a needle directly into a vein, mainly in the arm. The IV is usually placed in the arm but can be situated anywhere. Healthcare professionals primarily insert an IV in the arm since it is easily accessible. Additionally, the arm is a low-risk point compared to areas like the neck or thigh.

After your provider inserts the IV, an electric or manual pump delivers fluids into an IV bag. The liquids used during IV therapy vary from person to person, depending on the reason for treatment. For example, a patient with an infection receives antibiotics via an IV bag. As the fluid drips from the bag to the catheter and into your body, a nurse monitors to ensure the delivery rate is correct. During this time, you need to be still so that you don’t dislodge the catheter. You can read a book, browse your phone, or watch TV.

Benefits of IV therapy

  • Instant rehydration

IV therapy delivers fluids directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system and making it fast and effective. While drinking water can help with dehydration, it usually requires some time before the water is absorbed in your body. IV therapy is the most efficient hydration method to support vital organ functions. When you are hydrated, you lower your risk of constipation, kidney stones, and muscle damage.

  • Boosts your energy

Most people report feeling refreshed and energized after IV therapy. It offers a fast remedy for chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, or the common cold.

  • Customized treatment

The IV therapy your healthcare provider recommends depends on the issue that needs to be addressed. For example, you can receive IV therapy for immune system support, cold and flu relief, athletic performance recovery, migraine and headache relief, hangover relief, and pregnancy symptom alleviation.

If the benefits of IV therapy are alluring to you, consult your provider at Luxbae to know the type of IV therapy that’s best for you.