PRP Plasmolifting

PRP Plasmolifting

Plasmolifting (also known as PRP therapy – platelet reached plasma) is a methodology of injecting the blood plasma of the patient, saturated with platelets.

PRP therapy is used in cosmetology in order to treat the skin. This methodology provides a visible lifting effect after the first procedure.

The therapeutic effect of platelets gives a tremendous effect: rejuvenation and recovery, increased elasticity, and density of the skin, elimination of fine wrinkles, and reduction of deep wrinkles, quick recovery after invasive techniques.

About the manipulation

Platelets have the property of enhancing local tissue immunity, accelerating healing, and normalizing metabolic processes. They are indispensable for health and beauty: after the introduction of plasma, there is a great increase in fibroblasts, which are responsible for the extracellular matrix, collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid synthesis. The more of these elements are in the tissues, the younger and healthier the skin is.

The method of injecting platelet-rich plasma is successfully used not only in aesthetic medicine but also in surgery, dentistry, burn therapy, and sports medicine.

It is worth noting that it is dangerous to inject just the patient’s blood into the tissues. There are also leukocytes that cause inflammation when injected into the skin. Therefore, a special centrifuge is used for this procedure, which separates the blood into several components: erythrocytes, leukocytes, and plasma with platelets. The resulting plasma can be used for any area requiring correction: face, body, or scalp.

In plasma-lifting technology, it is very important to do everything perfectly and accurately – from the quality of vessels with special filters to the correct method of separating blood into components.

Plasma Lifting Procedure Stages

The plasma lifting procedure takes place in 3 stages:

  1. venous blood sampling;
  2. plasma preparation;
  3. the injection of plasma into the problem area.

Firstly, the nurse draws blood from the patient’s vein. Then, the test tube with the blood is placed in a special centrifuge, which allows you to get platelet-rich plasma. Then the doctor treats the skin and makes injections, they can be injected at different depths depending on the problem.


How Many Sessions Will Give A Result

A noticeable improvement in the skin condition will be seen after the first procedure, the course of procedures will give a more expressive cumulative effect. One PRP therapy course includes three procedures, one procedure per month.

Contrary to speculation, it is absolutely impossible to “oversaturate” the skin using platelets. This is a physiological effect on the skin, which implies activation of the tissues’ own resources and improvement in internal metabolism.

To prevent aging and maintain a high regenerative capacity of the skin, one course is carried out every six months.

Complex Effect

Results after PRP therapy:

  • enhanced collagen synthesis improves skin tone and firmness;
  • improving the skin condition (the skin becomes more tender, hydrated, velvety);
  • wrinkles lifting and prevention;
  • acne treatment;
  • Hyperpigmentation treatment and prevention of its appearance;
  • preventing aggressive hair loss;
  • hair treatment, hair quality improvement.