What You Need to Know About a Pap Smear

What You Need to Know About a Pap Smear

Usually, the best way to cure a problem is through prevention. Attending regular health check-ups is how you ensure your health is intact. In women’s health, well-woman exams are critical and help assess your health. One of the activities that happen during a well-woman exam includes a pap smear. The test is for every woman above 21 years old and helps detect cervical cancer. The South Charleston pap smear specialist Patel & Patel, M.D., Inc. performs different tests, including a pap smear, to evaluate your reproductive health. This blog post will analyze more about pap smears.

What is a pap smear?

A gynecologist performs a test to screen for cervical cancer and any signs of abnormal cervical cells before cancer evolves. A pap smear/ pap test is usually part of an annual well-woman exam.

Who should have a pap smear?

Usually, an OB/GYN specialist recommends a pap smear to all women aged 21 years and above. The test depends on your age and earlier pap smear results. The schedule varies from yearly to three and five years.

The Patel & Patel, M.D., Inc. team works closely with you to place a favorable schedule for you regarding your risks for cervical cancer or medical history. The screening for cervical cancer may continue until the age of 65.

How to prepare for a pap smear?

Your provider will give you instructions before your pap smear appointment to ensure you get the most effective results. They may advise you to avoid sex, douching, vaginal medications, or creams for two days before the pap smear. A pap smear should also not happen during your menstrual cycle.

What happens during a pap smear appointment?

The test is a part of a well-woman exam and occurs within a few minutes. The pap smear happens as you lie on an exam table facing up, with your feet in clips. Your provider inserts a speculum in the vagina that helps them see and reach the cervix to get a sample of cells.

They evaluate the cell sample in the lab to identify any signs of cervical cancer, among other issues.

What happens when the pap smear results are abnormal?

Unusual pap smear results should not worry you, as this does not necessarily mean you have cervical cancer. Your provider discusses your results and guides you to the next steps. Usually, your provider suggests another pap smear at a later date before taking any action.

When a pap smear detects cervical cancer, it gives you a chance to start treatment immediately, preventing the abnormal cells from developing into cancer. Your provider chooses your treatment method based on the severity of the problem and how early they discovered the abnormal cells.

A pap smear helps detect early signs of cervical cancer, allowing you to have a treatment before the cancer cells can progress. It is recommendable to women aged 21 years and above.

Contact Patel & Patel M.D., Inc. today to schedule your consultation.