Indicative Signs You Suffer From Periodontal Disease

Indicative Signs You Suffer From Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a very common form of gum disease that can occur in anyone, regardless of age. The disease is caused by plaque and tartar buildup on teeth, which leads to inflammation and infection of the gums. If untreated, periodontal disease Campbell can lead to tooth loss and other serious health problems.

When you think of gum disease, you may not realize that there are different types. The first type is gingivitis, a milder form of the disease. Gingivitis only affects the gum tissue and does not yet damage the bone that supports your teeth. Periodontitis, however, is a more serious form of gum disease that affects the gums and bones. Gum disease is also linked to other serious health conditions like stroke and heart disease.

There are different causes of periodontal diseases, such as;

  • Poor oral hygiene: This is the most common cause of gum disease. If you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly, the plaque and tartar will build up on your teeth and eventually lead to gum disease.
  • Smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor for periodontal disease. Cigarette smoke contains harmful toxins that can damage your gum tissue and make it more difficult for your body to fight infection.
  • Family history: If you have a family member with gum disease, you are more likely to develop the condition yourself. This is because genetic factors may make you more susceptible to the disease.
  • Poor nutrition: A diet lacking certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, can make you more susceptible to gum disease.

If you have any risk factors, it’s important to be extra diligent about brushing and flossing your teeth and seeing your dentist regularly.

So, how do you know if you have periodontitis? Here are some indicative signs:

Swollen, red, or tender gums

When you notice that your gums are inflamed, it is a sign that something is wrong. Your gums may be swollen, red, or tender to the touch. This is usually one of the first signs of gum disease. Fortunately, it is also one of the easiest to treat. If you see these signs, be sure to see your dentist right away. The dentist will clean your teeth and may also prescribe a mouthwash or medicated toothpaste to help control the infection.

Bleeding gums

Another common sign of gum disease is bleeding gums. This can happen when you brush your teeth, floss, or even eat hard food. If you notice that your gums are bleeding, you must see your dentist immediately.

Bad breath

Bad breath is another sign that the health of your gums is on the decline. This is because the bacteria that cause gum disease can also cause bad breath. If you have bad breath that doesn’t go away with brushing and mouthwash, it’s a good idea to see your dentist.

Receding gums

As gum disease progresses, your teeth become loose since the gums start to pull away. This is called receding gums. If your gums are receding, you need to consult your dentist. Gum disease is reversible in the early stages, but if it’s not treated, it can lead to tooth loss.

If you have any of these signs, you must visit Ueno Center Dental Specialists and see your dentist immediately. The sooner you catch periodontal disease, the easier it is to treat.