What You Should Know Before Getting Dentures

What You Should Know Before Getting Dentures

Suppose you have missing teeth; you might want to consider dentures. Unlike traditional dentures, today’s dentures look natural and feel like your natural teeth. Besides, they provide the best teeth replacement option if you have multiple missing teeth. You can also have full dentures that replace all your missing teeth. They are comfortable and ideal for eating all diets. The dentures Waterford specialist offers custom-made and quality dentures to restore your dental health and function. This blog post provides all you need to know about dentures.

What are the different types of dentures?

Dentures are teeth replacements for some or all your missing teeth. They are removable and may include nylon, acrylic resin, or certain metals. They are available in different types, including complete, partial, intermediate dentures, and overdentures. Complete dentures restore all your missing or decayed teeth. Partial dentures replace some of your missing teeth and restore your teeth’ function. Overdentures fit over certain dental implants or missing teeth to enhance stability. Immediate dentures include complete dentures to replace your teeth after extractions. Your provider places immediate dentures after removing your teeth.

What does getting dentures involve?

Usually, denture treatment may involve more than one dentist appointment. Your provider takes accurate measurements of your mouth to ensure they place your dentures correctly. Getting dentures begins with removing any remaining parts of decayed or damaged teeth from the mouth. Usually, your provider waits for your mouth to heal before they can begin your treatment. They take your mouth impression after your mouth has healed to enhance accuracy. The team also gives you try-in dentures to determine the proper fit, color, and shape for your dentures. Finally, you get your custom-made dentures during your final appointment.

Benefits of dentures

Here we look at various benefits of dentures.

They are long-lasting and affordable

Dentures can serve you well for up to 7 years or more. However, it depends on how you are caring for them. Good maintenance can increase their life. Ensure you brush and rinse your dentures after removing them. The same applies to your gums; brush them gently following meals. Regular dental exams are also necessary to extend your denture life. It helps in adjusting them and preventing jawbone loss. Unlike other tooth replacement options, dentures are cost-effective.

They are easy to maintain

You only need a soft toothbrush and a special denture-cleaning toothpaste to clean your dentures and eliminate any germs or plaque.

They are comfortable

Dentures are custom-made, ensuring they fit well in your mouth. They enhance comfort during eating and speaking. Your provider adjusts your dentures as your jawbone changes over time.

They restore and improve your smile

Missing teeth might not allow you to have your best smile. Dentures replace the missing gaps in your smile, making it complete. They also enhance your overall facial appearance.

Dentures are critical in restoring dental function and health. They lower your risk of oral health issues, promoting a healthy smile. Dentures help bring back your smile and confidence. Dr. Taylor is ready to help you through the entire process of getting dentures for a better smile. Call Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center today for a consultation and experience of the benefits of dentures.