How Vertiflex Superion works in treating Spinal Stenosis

How Vertiflex Superion works in treating Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis has become a major health concern; its symptoms make it difficult to perform your everyday routines.  The vertiflex superion procedure involves using modern medical techniques that are highly effective and minimally invasive. To determine if you are suitable for this procedure, your healthcare provider will consider a wide array of factors, such as the stability of your spinal cord and your history of spine fractures. Read on to learn more about Vertiflex Superion Austin.

How does the Vertiflex Superion Procedure Work?

There are many causes of lumbar spinal stenosis, such as excessive alcohol consumption, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive tobacco use, and being overweight, but the main cause is osteoarthritis. This type of spinal stenosis is usually common among older patients who are exposed to the natural effect of wear and tear. This condition can also affect younger patients, especially when changes in your spinal cord’s structure result in the compression of the nerves in your lower body. Your lower back is the least supported and protected area of your spinal cord, causing it to be more vulnerable to physical injury.


The most notable symptoms of spinal stenosis include; weakness and numbness in one leg, loss of bowel control, tingling or burning sensation in one leg, difficulty in walking, chronic back pain, and abnormal radiating pain to your legs and thighs. If you experience pain and discomfort from a compressed nerve, you need to consult your physician, who will determine a suitable treatment procedure.


The Vertiflex Superion procedure is an FDA-approved treatment for spinal stenosis. This treatment helps restore the normal functioning of your spinal cord, minimize blood loss and prevent soft tissue damage to allow for a more comfortable recovery. As mentioned earlier, the vertiflex superion procedure is minimally invasive and is associated with minimal health risks. You can have your lumbar spinal stenosis problem eliminated and resume your daily routines with one doctor visit.

Available treatments

Fortunately, there are many available treatments for lumbar spinal stenosis, including non-surgical options such as anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, pain-relieving medications, and epidural injections. Various surgical options, such as the vertiflex superion procedure, have proven to be very effective in treating mild to severe cases of spinal stenosis.


While this process is straightforward, you may be required to remain for a few hours after the treatment to check for any side effects. Apart from the vertiflex superion procedure, your physician may recommend other conservative treatments for your spinal problem, such as pain-relieving medications to help manage the pain and swelling symptoms and physical therapy, like performing daily physical exercises to provide quick pain relief and boost muscle growth. You may also be advised to practice certain healthy body movements to help lower the risk of recurring spinal stenosis after initial recovery.

The Vertiflex Superion procedure has provided a more reliable treatment solution for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Compared to the other traditional treatments, this procedure involves minimally invasive techniques designed to provide you with long-term relief from your back and leg pains. The Vertiflex Superion procedure usually takes between 20-30 minutes, but this depends on the severity of your spinal injury. Nevertheless, you are guaranteed to feel immediate relief after the procedure. Within six weeks, you will be able to perform different activities with ease.