Common Myths about Heart Diseases According to Cardiologists

Common Myths about Heart Diseases According to Cardiologists

Did you know heart diseases are the leading cause of fatalities in the USA? As a result, you should learn more about these diseases to reduce the chances of getting them. For instance, eating a healthy diet and engaging in physical activity minimizes the risk of obesity, a common risk factor for heart disease. Unfortunately, there is a lot of fake information about this disease surrounding the internet. Thus, most people are looking for a cardiologist Bakersfield, CA, to separate truth from myths. Keep reading this article to learn about the common myths about heart disease, according to cardiologists.

All Heart Attacks Have the Same Early Signs

Usually, you may be familiar with the common heart attack indicators, including back or arm discomfort, chest pain, and breath shortness. However, you can suffer from a heart attack without seeing these red flags. In fact, studies show that 20% of heart attacks are silent as they go unnoticed. Your doctor may diagnose it when checking the heart for other complications. Thus, you should never ignore even the slightest symptom and consult your doctor for checkups.

Exercises Are Discouraged if You Have a Heart Attack

Staying an active lifestyle can help you to strengthen your heart. Your healthcare provider can assist you in developing an exercise routine that is most effective in your recovery journey. Moderate and regular physical activity mitigates common heart rhythm disorders (atrial fibrillation). For example, the doctor may encourage you to begin with less intense activity like walking, then gradually increase the activity. Exercises are crucial in improving your life span after a heart attack; thus, do not fear them.

Heart Disease Does Not Affect Young People

Young individuals should be completely worried about their heart health as the conditions are common among this generation. As a result, you should stay proactive about your health when you are young. Being proactive is essential as studies show that heart problems among youths are surging.

Mental Health Does Not Impact Heart Diseases

Quitting smoking, regular exercise, and having a healthy diet are essential strategies for preventing heart problems. However, most people are unaware that mental health also has a crucial role in heart health. For instance, people with depression are more prone to suffer from coronary artery disease. Therefore, seeking mental health physicians and cardiologists can boost your heart health.

Cardiac Surgery Cures Heart Complication

Cardiac surgery is a surgical operation that aims to address ischemic heart diseases like coronary artery bypass and grafting. Even though these methods are a life-saving and effective treatment for heart attacks, they do not cure heart disease. Research has indicated that weight loss, an anti-inflammatory diet, exercising, and taking medications are effective strategies for reversing coronary artery disease. They are even more proven to be more effective than surgery and stenting.

Heart diseases can be overwhelming and devastating as they can prevent you from carrying out normal activities. Sometimes it might also be life-threatening. To stay from these risks, you should consult your cardiologist regularly to learn more about the disease. A cardiologist will help you with the right lifestyle and preventative measures. Moreover, they will also help you be informed about the truth and myths about heart disease.