Everything You Need to Understand About a Perfect Bite

Everything You Need to Understand About a Perfect Bite

When we talk about a perfect bite, it has nothing to do with the way you chew your food. An ideal bite is related to how the top and bottom teeth fit together. Some people are genetically blessed with a perfect bite, but some people face problems with an ideal bite. So, these people have to go for a treatment for the perfect bite with some orthodontic treatments. 

In this article, we will understand what is a perfect bite and how we can have it with orthodontic treatments. If you want to know more about orthodontics, then you can stay with us in this article. However, if you are in Cary, then you can consult any Cary orthodontist to learn about perfect bites and their treatment plans. 

What is a Perfect Bite? 

A bite, also known as dental occlusion, is the way the top and bottom teeth fit together inside the mouth when the back teeth are touching. So, a perfect bite will be when the upper teeth are over the bottom teeth, and the molars’ tips fit into the smaller space of the opposite molars. 

There should be a situation in which when your mouth is closed, then the upper teeth should overlap with the bottom ones. There should be no clenching of teeth while at rest. This situation will be an ideal way of a perfect bite to cut food while biting or chewing. 

Is it Necessary to Have a Perfect Bite? 

When the orthodontist aligns your teeth, you attempt to have a perfect bite. But it is not necessary because some people go without having a perfect bite and don’t have problems such as tooth wear, jaw joint problems, or any other such issues. However, some people with perfect bites can have severe problems with jaw joint issues or muscle pain. 

This suggests that it is not important to have a perfect bite every time. There might be people who are fine without a perfect bite and do not face any issues such as tooth wear or jaw joint problems. 

What is an Ideal Perfect Bite? 

A perfect bite is when several attributes are present from the front, side, and top views. There must be proper bites from all views. When an ideal perfect bite is viewed from the front, the upper arch should be slightly wider than the lower arch, or around half the bottom teeth should be visible when the teeth are together. 

The view from the side should have some similar characteristics. The pointed teeth of the upper teeth must fit between the two bottom teeth, it must be a little front from the lower teeth, and the edges of the upper teeth should not be in direct contact with the lower edges. 

Similarly, when we talk about the upper view when the mouth is widely opened, there must not be any gaps, spaces, or overlap between teeth. The arches should have a perfect U-shape, with all the teeth touching in the right position. 

So, if these are the characteristics of your teeth, then there are perfect and ideal teeth. However, if you do not have such features and are facing issues, you can visit your experienced doctor and get a treatment or alignment to have perfectly aligned teeth. 

How to Fix a Bad Bite Problem? 

Doctors can improve bad bite problems with significant treatment methods such as braces, tooth extraction, or jaw surgery. Braces can move teeth into a preferred position and angle. Similarly, tooth extraction can benefit people who have overcrowded teeth. Jaw surgery can be done with braces, but it is done in rare cases to treat severe discrepancies between the position of the upper and lower jaws. So, these are certain treatments that can help you have a perfect bite.