Pediatric Dentistry: A Parent’s Guide To Dental Crowns For Children

Pediatric Dentistry: A Parent’s Guide To Dental Crowns For Children

Welcome to a world where your child’s dental health matters. This guide dives into the realm of pediatric dentistry, specifically dental crowns for children. We will explore why dental crowns are important, what the process involves, and how phoenix preventive visits can make a significant difference. Knowledge is power – and in this case, it can also be the key to a radiant, healthy smile for your child.

What are Dental Crowns?

In short, dental crowns are custom caps for a tooth. They enhance strength, size, and appearance. Crowns are used when a tooth has large decay. They can also be used after a root canal treatment.

The Importance of Dental Crowns

Why are dental crowns for children important? They save natural teeth. They help in chewing. Lastly, they maintain space for permanent teeth.

The Process of Getting a Dental Crown

Getting a dental crown involves two visits. The first visit involves examination and preparation. The second visit involves the placement of the permanent crown.

The dentist will take X-rays during the first visit. This allows for a close look at the tooth and surrounding bones. The tooth will then be filed down to accommodate the crown. An impression of the tooth will be made. This will be sent to a dental lab where the crown will be manufactured.

The second visit is for placement. The dentist will ensure the crown fits well and matches the color of surrounding teeth. The crown is then cemented into place.

Pediatric Dentistry

‘Phoenix Preventive Visits’

Regular dental visits are key. They are preventive measures that can keep your child’s teeth healthy. These visits can catch issues early. They may help avoid the need for dental crowns altogether.

Comparison Table: Dental Crowns vs Fillings

Dental Crowns Fillings
Coverage Covers the entire tooth Fills only a portion of the tooth
Duration Long lasting, often up to 15 years May need replacement after 7-10 years
Application Requires two visits Usually completed in one visit
Cost More expensive than fillings Less expensive than crowns

Remember, the goal is to keep your child’s teeth healthy. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene practices at home are the first steps. If a dental crown becomes necessary, know that it’s a common and effective treatment. Your child’s smile will thank you.