All You Need To Know About Botox Procedures For Seniors

All You Need To Know About Botox Procedures For Seniors

Most people do not like or even dream about their skin aging; some find it hard to keep their skin fresh and younger as the years pass. Each day, you find an increment of aging spots, wrinkles, and the reduction of skin elasticity; this is when you realize and start missing your younger and youthful skin. However, you should know that there are developed things or ways you can reduce the rate at which your skin is aging; the Botox procedures for seniors have been confirmed to be among the top ways you can reduce skin aging.

Some people have never heard of Botox procedures, while others make full use of the procedure. If you belong to the small percentage that has no idea what is Botox procedures, this article will help you understand everything about Botox procedures for seniors. Here is all you should know:

What are botox procedures?

Botox is a specific drug used by doctors to treat or reduce the aging symptoms like wrinkles and creases on the face. It is a brand name given to a toxin from a bacterium scientifically known as the clostridium botulinum. However, they are available in various other brands like Xeomin, but Botox is what you will hear most because it was the top or first to be injected in the form of botulinum toxin.

How does it work?

As mentioned earlier, it is used to reduce or slow down the aging procedure; it works by blocking signals from the nerves going to the muscles whereby the muscles injected will not contract, making the wrinkles relax and later soften. The Botox procedure is mainly used to reduce the development of forehead lines, frown lines and crow’s feet. However, you should know that the procedure reduces naturally developed wrinkles and not wrinkles caused by climatic changes, gravity, or sun damage.

How is the procedure done?

If you want to get the botox procedure, you should not worry about anything; the procedure takes only a few minutes, there is no need for anesthesia. The procedure is very comfortable, and the medic uses a small needle mainly meant to inject the botox into the specific muscles. After the injection, it will take about seven to fourteen days for the results to start showing. It is advisable to stay away from alcohol a week before the injection. While you are on the procedure, moreover, to avoid bruising, you are advised to avoid aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medications two weeks before the procedure.

It is important to avoid rubbing where you are injected for at least twenty four hours so that the botox does not spread to other areas. Sometimes you might find your doctor advising you to keep it upright for 4 hours and stop exercising while on the procedure.

How long can it last?

Lastly, you should know the period you can have the results and effects of the Botox; the effects of the procedure can take three to six months. Once the muscle action starts returning, the wrinkles and lines will reappear, and you will need to treat them again. However, when the lines and wrinkles reappear, they become less severe as muscles do not contract fast like before.

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