Common Reasons a Healthcare Provider May Order a CT Scan

Common Reasons a Healthcare Provider May Order a CT Scan

Once you get injured, sick, or hurt, you always consult your healthcare provider for checkups and treatment. Sometimes your provider can detect what is troubling you simply by hearing your signs and symptoms. However, some conditions require further testing, including a CT scan and MRI, for effective evaluation. Sugar Land CT scan is one testing procedure gaining a reputation because conditions like tumors and blood vessel problems are reported daily. So, why does your doctor recommend a CT scan? This article analyzes the most common reasons a healthcare provider may order a CT scan.

Examining Your Blood Vessels

various blood vessel concerns, such as blockage, require a CT scan, enabling your doctor to critically evaluate your blood vessels without requiring surgical biopsy or exploratory surgery. This process can be essential for you in need of diagnosis or treatment for conditions like cardiovascular diseases.

Brain Examination

The brain is an important organ of your body; thus, it requires regular checkups to ensure it is always healthy. Therefore, if your doctor wants to examine the internal situation of your head, a CT scan may be necessary. The scan is effective as it provides your provider with detailed brain images. Therefore, if your doctor suspects concerns like trauma or tissue-related problems, they can diagnose and address the issues using a CT scan.

MRI Scan Is Not Suitable For You

Usually, not all imaging procedures are similar. Sometimes factors dictate the type o imaging exam you will undergo. Even though MRI and CT scans are similar, factors such as sensitivity and time consumed can decide which procedure to use. CT scan is less movement sensitive and consumes less time to execute than an MRI scan. If you have an injury that your provider requires to examine without laying you down or consuming much time CT scan may be the ideal choice.

Exploring Tumors

A CT scan is the first step in the process if you undergo tumor surgery. Your surgeon needs to have detailed information about the size and location of your tumor to facilitate the efficient execution of the procedures like biopsies. Furthermore, a CT scan enables your provider to evaluate how the tumor is involved with the nearby tissue, possibly enhancing surgical results.

Investigating Recent Accidents or Injuries

Normally, Accidents due to severe internal injuries can be examined by CAT scans. An X-ray cannot evaluate and detect internal injuries alone. Therefore, CT scans are the first option your specialist can use to get images during emergencies. Your physicians will mostly use CT scans when you have been involved in car accidents or other trauma that may lead to internal injury.

Diagnosing Abdominal Concerns

CT scans for abdomen concerns may utilize barium to produce detailed images of organs like the kidney, spleen, uterus, and gallbladder. The extra addition of intravenous iodine-based dye facilitates the refining of images, enabling your physician to diagnose several problems. Moreover, your doctor may recommend a CT scan to diagnose the mass of your abdomen, abdominal pain, kidney stones, and potential inflammation in the intestines.

Are you a candidate wishing to get a CT scan but cannot secure a hospital offering these services? Look no further since St. Michael’s Elite Hospital in Sugar Land, Texas, has you covered. The hospital offers inclusive CT scans to evaluate and get better images of your body. The team of board-certified physicians is experienced in offering emergency medical conditions, so you should not worry. Call their office or book online to request an appointment today.