Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Participating in sports is fun and a vital part of a healthy, active lifestyle that is good for your heart, respiratory system, and muscle strength. While sports are fun, they are also a common cause of injuries. Sports injuries can occur due to people making sudden contact with the ground, moving in the wrong ways, or falling and tripping. Other times people get hurt because they are not physically fit. Even so, the risk of injuries should not deter you from playing your favorite sport. Additionally, treatments like medications, immobilization, physical therapy, and orthopedic surgery Clifton, NJ may be helpful for your injury.

Knowing some of the most common sports injuries will help you take steps to prevent them or at least reduce the risk of getting hurt. Below are common athletic-related injuries and their possible prevention measures.

Strains and sprains

Strains and sprains are the most common sports injuries since we use many muscles and ligaments when playing sports. These moving parts are susceptible to stretching beyond their limits when playing a sport. For example, a strain can occur when you twist or pull your muscles and tendons. You can strain any muscles in your body, but the commonly affected ones include the back and hamstring muscles. Signature symptoms of a strain include muscle spasms, pain, swelling, and trouble moving a muscle.

A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament; these are tissues that connect bones at a joint. This injury may result from falling, getting hit, or twisting. You may feel a pop sound when the injury happens and afterward experience pain, swelling, bruising, and inability to move the joint.

Often, strains and sprains improve with rest, ice, medication, and immobilization. Once the muscle is healed, you may need exercise and physical therapy.

The best way to lessen the risk of strains and sprains is to warm up and stretch before engaging in strenuous activity.

Knee injuries

The knee bears a lot of weight and endures much impact and wear during sports activities. It is, therefore, one of the body parts susceptible to injuries. Common injuries to the knee include dislocation, fracture, and cartilage tears.

Tear of the anterior cruciate ligament is a common knee injury that often results from a sudden twisting motion. Sometimes knee injuries improve with conservative treatments, but surgery may be necessary. You can reduce your risk of knee injuries by using proper padding and bracing when playing contact sports. Warm-ups, stretching, and good posture are also good prevention measures.

Rotator cuff injuries

Your rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in your shoulder joint; they firmly hold the top part of your upper arm bone in your shoulder socket. These muscles and tendons keep your shoulder stable when you move your arm in any direction. Injuries to the rotator cuff are common, most of which are wear and tear injuries—these result from doing the same arm movements like reaching over your head over and over. Eventually, the tissues in the rotator cuff break down, leading to injuries like rotator cuff tears, tendinitis, and bursitis. The best way to prevent rotator cuff injuries is by avoiding activities with repetitive overhead arm action.

If you have any injuries, visit your Garden State Pain & Orthopedics specialist for treatment to improve your quality of life.