Effective Tips to Relieve Soreness After Exercise

Effective Tips to Relieve Soreness After Exercise


After an intense exercise session, your body may feel sore in some areas. Sore muscles are one of the most discomforting results of the exercise. Depending on the intensity and type of workout, soreness of the body can either be negligible or extremely painful. While you can take pain relievers for it from https://www.90daymeds.com/medications/, there are certain things you can do at home that might prove helpful in managing the pain. 

1. Hydrate During or After The Workout

Staying hydrated is the key to muscle flexibility. Water keeps the blood and fluids flow through the whole body, which can help ease the inflammation. Drinking water also helps flush out the toxins and deliver nutrients to the muscles. While performing exercises, chances are your body may get dehydrated even before you feel thirsty. So to keep yourself from getting dehydrated, keep drinking sips of water or electrolytes during the workout and after it. You can also take vitamins supplements that help you fulfil the hydration level of your body.

2. Use a Foam Roller Immediately After Your Workout

Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) is a technique that helps release the tension in connective tissues and muscles. The tools incorporating the SMR technique help to move the fluids that accumulate in the muscle after a workout. Some of the common SMR tools are lacrosse balls, foam rollers and massage sticks.

A foam roller is a better option to use after exercise. If you are a beginner, look for a softer version of the roller. Firmer rollers will apply more pressure but can be intense on the spots. So look for a roller that suits you and use it after every session.

3. Eat Within a Half-Hour After an Intense Workout

It is a wrong concept that eating less will help you get more fit. This will do you no good on the other hand; will make your body weak. By taking food that is good for your body, you will build muscles and lose excess fat. Also eating before a workout help burn those extra calories and keep the muscles fulfilled with nutrients they need to repair and grow stronger.

Get a protein shake and 20-40 g of carbs in your system before a workout.

4. Sleep Well

Sleep is essential for all functions of the body. For muscles to recover the full potential that you have burned during the workout, it is absolutely important to sleep after a workout session. A night of good sleep helps the body t repair damaged muscles, take the stress off the body and heal.