Five Things To Do Before Sleeping

Five Things To Do Before Sleeping

Difficulty in sleeping can be challenging or annoying when you are done for the day and try to sleep at night; you can consider doing these five things before sleeping.

1: Make Yourself Comfortable

Create a sleeping environment in which you feel entirely comfortable: a comfortable bed, a right mattress, a comfortable lying position, and the right sleeping temperature – not too warm and not too cold. If you feel uncomfortable, freeze, get cold feet, or sweat, you should adjust sleeping clothes, blankets, or room temperature. Likewise, tight sleeping clothes can hinder sleep and cause sleepless nights.

2: Discover The Dark Side Of The Night

Bright light with an intensity of 5,000 to 10,000 lux is quite good for the body. We release serotonin, which has an activating and antidepressant function.

The downside, Bright light shortens the duration of sleep because serotonin suppresses melatonin.” Always put on a sleeping mask to cover your face from the morning sun; this way, you could sleep longer.

3: Put Your Smartphone In Night Mode

Check your emails and the latest news before going to sleep? Better not: “The light from smartphones and tablets is just as obstructive as daylight. The high proportion of blue light in the displays inhibits the production of melatonin in the brain. Make it a habit to turn off your phones in the evening. Newer smartphones offer a compromise for those who cannot do without the smartphone in bed. The “night mode” reduces the activating, short-wave blue light between 450 and 480 nanometers so that melatonin production is less inhibited.

4: Calm Down

We need rest to sleep. And that is disturbed by noise, for example when the bedroom is on a busy street. You can decide to make use of an earphone or, better still, close your windows and doors.

Disturbing activities before bed can also be counterproductive.  Sports activities, thrilling computer games, or exciting films raise the pulse, blood pressure, and breathing rate – and prevent us from calming down. It can even cause stress, and your thoughts may still revolve around the PC game for a long time while you are already in bed and should sleep. It is essential to avoid this. Instead, rely on autogenic training or read a book.

5: Create A Bedtime Ritual

If you have trouble getting to rest in the evening, you can put your body into sleep mode with a regular bedtime ritual. These can be regular bedtime times, relaxation exercises, or a cup of soothing hot tea or a natural sleep supplement.