How Can You Treat Infertility?

How Can You Treat Infertility?

What causes infertility and how can you overcome it? According to health research, about 12% of women aged between 14 and 44 have trouble getting pregnant. Infertility may result from various factors, and having a medical evaluation can help find the exact cause and increase your chances of pregnancy. It may affect your happiness and wellness. However, infertility Lake Mary specialist Christopher K Quinsey, MD can help you find solutions through advanced diagnostic tests and treatments. Keep reading as we highlight various infertility treatments that can improve your chance of getting pregnant.

What is infertility?

You are infertile if you cannot conceive after one year despite having unprotected sex. Infertility also occurs when you can’t get pregnant after six months of trying if you are 35 years or older.

Infertility may result from various factors, but finding early treatments can improve your chances of getting pregnant.

What are the causes of infertility in women?

Infertility in women may result from various issues, including the following.


Women are most fertile between their teen years and their late twenties. Their productivity however starts to decline from the early thirties, making conceiving difficult.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths in your uterus. The non-cancerous growths affect your reproductive health, including affecting your fertility.


Endometriosis affects about 10% of the women population in the world. It is a painful condition that develops when your uterus lining starts growing outside the uterus. About 30 to 50% of infertility cases result from endometriosis.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

It is a condition that causes the development of small cysts around your ovaries, causing hormonal imbalances. Polycystic ovary syndrome may lead to irregular ovulation, which affects your fertility.

What are treatment options for infertility?

Dr. Quinsey performs a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the cause of your problem. He runs blood work to check whether you have a hormonal imbalance or underlying health conditions that may be blocking pregnancy. Dr. Quinsey carries out a physical exam, including imaging tests and semen analysis, to find the cause of infertility.

Your provider recommends diet and lifestyle modifications to promote your chances of pregnancy and healthy conception. Maintaining a healthy weight and quitting smoking can also be a plus when trying to conceive.

Dr. Quinsey also prescribes medications to induce ovulation and improve your chances of conceiving. He follows up on your progress. If medications fail, Dr. Quinsey suggests using assisted reproductive technology (ART).

ART treatments improve your fertility by enhancing fertilization of the woman’s eggs by the sperm.

Artificial insemination

It’s a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm in a woman’s reproductive tract during ovulation to increase the chances of pregnancy.

Intrauterine insemination

It’s a treatment procedure where your provider uses a thin catheter to place sperm directly in the uterus. It increases the chances of the sperm meeting the egg.

In-vitro fertilization

It involves your fertility specialist fertilizing the eggs with the sperm in a lab, then transferring the embryo into the uterus for implantation.

Dr. Quinsey provides fertility treatments depending on your specific problem. Call Christopher K Quinsey, MD today to schedule your consultation and learn how you can get help.