Is Erectile Dysfunction Treatable?

Is Erectile Dysfunction Treatable?

First, there are “reversible” causes of erectile dysfunction that may be addressed. Cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs should all be avoided if possible, as should medications that cause ED as a side effect. Anxiety, stress, or a disturbing love connection may all play a role in the development of ED. You will likely be able to eliminate your ED if you can lose weight, reduce stress, or develop techniques for dealing with your relationship problems, even if these elements are more difficult to manage.

ED may be caused by additional causes, which we will call “treatable” factors. Even if some conditions (hormonal imbalances, depression and anxiety, high cholesterol, and so on) cannot be cured, they may be managed. As a consequence of this, the erectile dysfunction (ED) they induce is commonly alleviated.

What is ED, and who should worry about it?

Having trouble attaining or keeping an erection for sex is known as erectile dysfunction. The word “regular” is the most important part of this sentence. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition in which a man’s ability to achieve an erection is less common than it used to be. It might indicate something more serious going on inside.

You may be able to influence the underlying cause or condition in certain circumstances. By eliminating the root of your problem (such as prescription medicine, an illicit substance, excessive weight, a smoking habit, or an unhealthy relationship), your erectile dysfunction may be resolved without the need for any therapy. That’s all it could be.

When it comes to dealing with underlying issues like depression or anxiety, it takes more time and work, but it’s worth it in the long run. If the underlying cause of your ED is addressed, you may no longer need ED drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil Vidalista 80 (Avanafil) (Cialis).

Even though various factors may cause ED, it is often the result of combining them all. If additional variables are at play, addressing one cause of ED may not be enough to end it. In many circumstances, your doctor will want to delve a bit further to get to the bottom of the problem.

Causes of ED

  • The side effects of medication: –

At least 25% of all ED cases are related to medications that can produce ED as a side effect. The most common offenders are diuretics, antidepressants (particularly SSRIs and SNRIs), indigestion meds, antihistamines, and opioid painkillers. Some Parkinson’s drugs, chemotherapies, and prostate cancer treatments may induce ED, although to a lower extent. Super Vidalista  ,tadalafil are the medicine which you can prefer to our website.

Consult your doctor if you have any concerns that your medicine is contributing to your erectile dysfunction. They may advise you to reduce your dosage, stop taking it, or switch to a different medicine that has a reduced chance of causing erectile dysfunction.

  • Obesity: –

In addition to raising your chance of developing erectile dysfunction, being overweight and carrying extra fat around your midsection increases your risk of developing other health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Obesity has been shown to reduce testosterone levels in men. Your sex desire and ability to sustain an erection are affected by low testosterone levels. 

You may improve your mental and physical health, as well as your erectile dysfunction, by lowering weight with a healthy diet and frequent exercise.

  • Nicotine and recreational drugs: –

While you may believe that alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methadone, amphetamines, or barbiturates might assist with sexual confidence and arousal, the reality is that all of these drugs can make obtaining and maintaining a fulfilling erection much more difficult. Therefore, abstain from narcotics. They will only serve as a source of disappointment.

Similarly, nicotine (both smoked and vaped) might impair your capacity to become erect and can also make it more difficult to excite sexually. If you are suffering sexual dysfunction, consider your social habits: do you smoke, consume wine, or use marijuana or other recreational substances? If this is the case, there is a good likelihood that they are causing your erectile dysfunction.

  • Imbalances in hormones: –

Erectile dysfunction may be caused by various factors, including low testosterone, excessive prolactin, thyroid hormone imbalances, and elevated cortisol.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) symptoms may be alleviated with hormone therapy. Prolactin-induced erectile dysfunction enhanced sexual function and testosterone levels in a study of 51 men with high prolactin levels.

  • Causes that are psychological or emotional: –

The brain triggers the physical mechanisms that lead to an erection. As a result, erectile dysfunction may be caused by various factors, including stress, worry, and despair connected to a person’s work or personal life.

ED may be caused by a combination of mental and physical health concerns in many situations. Stress, anxiety, and depression may be treated through counselling, psychotherapy, and other forms of treatment.

  • High cholesterol: –

Erectile dysfunction (ED) may be caused by high cholesterol levels, which can damage blood vessels, including those in the penis. There’s a lot of research to suggest that lowering excessive cholesterol levels may help with erectile dysfunction symptoms as well.

Statins (cholesterol-lowering medicines) including atorvastatin, simvastatin, and rosuvastatin were shown to enhance erectile function in men with high cholesterol and ED, independent of their age, in a 2014 meta-analysis of 11 clinical studies.

  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): –

Those with OSA are more likely than men without OSA to have ED (69% vs 34% in this 2009 study of 401 German men). There’s no consensus among scientists as to why this occurs, although nightly low blood oxygen levels seem to contribute.

There is hope for those with obstructive sleep apnea, which causes excessive daytime snoring. Treatment with a nocturnal breathing mask (CPAP) to boost low blood oxygen levels enhanced sexual performance in 2013 in males with OSA and ED.