Possible Physical Therapy Benefits for Three Common Sports Injuries

Possible Physical Therapy Benefits for Three Common Sports Injuries

Athletes often go to physical therapy as a last choice, despite the fact that it has the potential to be quite helpful in treating their ailments. It’s worth noting that physical therapy has made it possible for players to return to the field quickly and without risk. Repairing and preventing more injury with sports physical therapy is possible. Physical therapy can be beneficial for all three of these sports-related ailments.

Disorders of the Ankle

Ankle sprains are the most common sports injury, accounting for more than 45 percent of all injuries, according to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. The most common cause of ankle sprains is the inward rolling of the foot, which strains or rips the ligaments on the outside of the ankle. The majority of ankle sprains go better with rest and time, but sometimes it need physical therapy to speed up the healing process and reduce the likelihood of further damage.

One of the primary goals of physical therapy for ankle injuries is to restore complete range of motion. Quite a few stretches and workouts target the ankle’s supporting muscles and ligaments. Injury prevention is facilitated by improved proprioception (the body’s ability to sense its location in space) and this may be accomplished by engaging in regular balancing training.

If you’ve sprained your ankle, a sports physical therapist can help you recover and get back to doing the things you love.

Traumatic Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are among the most common sports-related disorders that can be addressed by physical therapy. Whether it’s from a direct blow, overuse, or poor technique, knee pain is a common side effect of sports. Tears in the meniscus, the anterior cruciate ligament, and the patellar tendon are the most common knee injuries.

Sports physical treatment can help alleviate discomfort and swelling in the knee and fortify the muscles that support the joint. This helps prevent future harm and promotes recovery. If you have hurt your knee and want to know if this treatment plan is right for you, you should see a sports physical therapist.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Torn rotator cuffs are another common injury among athletes. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles, tendons, and ligaments that stabilize the shoulder. When these muscles and tendons are overworked, tears may occur. Repetitive motions, such those used in baseball and tennis, are a leading cause of rotator cuff tears.

Treatment for rotator cuff injuries often include a period of sports physical therapy. The therapist will design a program specifically for you to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the shoulder area through stretching and exercise. Surgical intervention is sometimes required.

Rotator cuff injuries are prevalent in sports, although they can usually be treated well with physical therapy and, if required, surgery. If you think you may have injured your rotator cuff, see a doctor or a sports therapist right away so you can go back to doing the things you love as soon as possible.

Athletes who have suffered injuries to their knees, ankles, or shoulders must participate in physical therapy as part of their rehabilitation. Regaining strength, mobility, and range of motion with the help of our experienced therapists at Onward Physical Therapy will allow you to get back to doing the things you enjoy as soon as possible. Please give us a call as soon as possible if you are experiencing any of these problems. Let’s talk about what we can do to help you get back in the game.