Should You Go to a Physiotherapy or Osteopathic Centre in Singapore?

Should you see a physiotherapist or an osteopath? It can be a challenging question to answer, especially when many factors between the two seem to overlap. After all, they both did training in anatomy, health sciences, and manual therapy, and both professions help their patients by instructing them with physical movements. However, the more you look into it, the more differences you’ll be able to differentiate. These differences will help you determine if you should go to an osteopathy or physiotherapy clinic in CBD.

The Similarities Between Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

Many people get confused about the differences between osteopathy and physiotherapy, and if you look at them at surface value, you wouldn’t be surprised why. On the surface, physiotherapy and osteopathy experts in CBD have the same goals. They treat people suffering from injuries and conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. They aim to improve their patient’s mobility and quality of life and have had extensive training in anatomy, physiology, and pathology.

However, this is where their similarities end. Everything else, from the specific conditions and injuries they treat to their methods, philosophies and end goals, are entirely different. Figuring these out will significantly help if you ever sustain a musculoskeletal injury or condition. That way, you’ll know if you need to go to a physiotherapy or osteopathic centre in Singapore.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is based on the principle that because the musculoskeletal system is all connected, you’ll have to treat the entire body to treat one isolated injury. The skeleton, muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues should all be working together without complications within the whole body. By keeping the entire system working perfectly, an osteopathy expert in CBD encourages the body’s natural healing properties to eliminate your condition or treat your injury.

Osteopaths can cure both acute and chronic conditions. They specialise most in treating or helping manage chronic pain. Expect spinal and joint manipulation during treatments and other types of manual therapy. Typically, you would visit an osteopathic centre in Singapore if you’re suffering from the following:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Neck and back pain
  • Neurological pain

What is Physiotherapy?

On the other hand, physiotherapy experts in CBD would instead focus on one body part during treatment: the part that is currently inflicted with a condition or injury. Their preferred method is to keep patients healthy and happy by incorporating exercise into the treatment plans. They can also stray from manual therapy and use other treatment methods such as dry needling and ultrasounds.

While osteopathy focuses mainly on the spine, physiotherapy in CBD focuses more on the muscles. If you’re athletic, chances are you’ll see physiotherapists often since they care for sports injuries through holistic means. You can visit a physiotherapist if you suffer from the following:

  • Posture issues
  • Sports injuries
  • Joint pain

If you’re near Orchard and looking for a physiotherapy centre, look no further than Edge Healthcare. With an evidence-based and research-heavy treatment style, you will surely get the newest and most effective treatment methods for any conditions, injuries, and illnesses. Contact Edge Healthcare today to inquire about their services, such as sports massages and visceral osteopathy.