Top 5 Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Top 5 Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

It is no secret that a vibrant and appealing smile is a huge confidence booster. Therefore, individuals are constantly seeking ways to enhance the appearance of their smiles. Over the years, thousands of whitening products and gimmicks have become increasingly popular. While these products promise to deliver desirable results, they are often less impressive and could leave you with tooth sensitivity issues.

Unlike over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions, professional Greenwich teeth whitening can quickly attain dramatic outcomes with a reduced risk of suffering tooth sensitivity problems. Here are the many benefits of professional teeth whitening.

  1. Thorough and Even Whitening

Professional teeth whitening solutions can address both extrinsic and intrinsic stains. Intrinsic stains are within your enamel and stem from aging, medication, infection, or dental trauma. On the other hand, extrinsic stains result from smoking or certain beverages and foods like coffee and red wine.

Over-the-counter products merely target extrinsic stains, leaving behind the troublesome, hard-to-reach intrinsic stains. Professional Teeth whitening procedures target intrinsic and extrinsic stains, providing you with a beautiful, white, and even smile.

  1. Speed and Reliability

No more waiting months to establish if your whitening strips or toothpaste are effective. Professional teeth whitening can give you a significantly whiter smile in under an hour. The outcomes are reliable and could be long-lasting with recommended at-home care and maintenance.

  1. Professional Teeth Whitening Protects Your Gums

If a teeth whitening bleaching agent comes into contact with the gums, it could result in serious irritation and damage to the gum tissue. Over-the-counter whitening solutions could also damage your enamel and cause tooth sensitivity concerns.

Professional teeth whitening is more comfortable and safer because you will have a knowledgeable dental specialist performing and monitoring the progress of your procedure. Therefore, your gums and other oral areas are protected throughout your whitening procedure.

  1. Customized Treatments

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products are one-size-fits-all. You cannot customize your procedure to attain your whitening preference. However, professional whitening procedures are personalized to your preferences and can concentrate on the areas you require whitening the most.

Some teeth might have deeper stains than others and require more bleaching agents to eliminate the stains. Your dental specialist will tailor your whitening procedure to meet the unique needs of every tooth, leaving you with a white, even smile. Over-the-counter solutions can only whiten the extrinsic stains, resulting in an uneven, patchy smile.

  1. Obtain A Professional Opinion

Not everybody is a good candidate for teeth whitening procedures, and most will not know this without consulting their dental specialist. For instance, teeth whitening solutions will be ineffective if your tooth is discolored due to a root canal. Your provider will suggest other solutions, like covering the tooth with a crown or veneer.

With professional teeth whitening, you can determine the underlying cause of your tooth discoloration or staining and obtain more effective and quicker treatments. Therefore, you can save on time and money you might have spent purchasing whitening products that might not work.

If you are self-conscious about your smile because of unsightly teeth stains or discoloration, professional teeth whitening might be the solution you have been searching for. Not only can this procedure enhance the look of your pearly whites, but it also provides numerous advantages that go beyond only aesthetics.

Professional teeth whitening can help protect against cavities and gum disease. Besides, this procedure offers lasting outcomes, while being non-invasive and safe. Talk to your dentist about your concerns to help them create a tailored professional tooth whitening procedure.