Runners have a love-hate relationship with the treadmill. And, whether you are from the group that doesn’t like it, or from the group that loves the device, know that it has many benefits. Conducting some training on the Best Treadmill can help you gaining performance.
Non-stop training
As there is no wind resistance, uphill and curved, on the treadmill you can run faster than the speed you are used to on the street, maintaining the same heart rate and aerobic load. The benefit of this is the possibility of working your biomechanics at an accelerated speed without the same load of effort. Your body will “learn” how to run faster without being demanded more intensely.
Intense training and flexibility
It is possible to train with more intensity on the treadmill, because you have total control of the speed. Thus, it is easier to set a pace close to your limit. And if you “force yourself” to stay beyond the comfort zone, it is natural to slow down on the street as we get tired. It allows better control of training variables such as speed, incline, speed progression, etc.
It helps to improve the technique
Usually, the mats are in front of or next to a mirror and you can observe yourself in every movement, correcting possible postural errors. Besides, there are fewer distractions on the treadmill and you can stay focused on performing the movements. The impact and muscle fatigue are less and you will be able to develop aerobic load, high heart rate, train speed, generating less wear and tear.
It is more practical and comfortable
The risk of injury is lower and the recovery of an injury becomes easier. The treadmill provides more cushioning for the strides and also, as you has control of the variables, being able to avoid going up or down. You can run at any time without worrying about safety, sun, rain, cold, etc.
How many times can you train on the treadmill?
With so many advantages, it is common for some people to do most of the training on the treadmill. We recommend that only one or a maximum of two workouts per week be done on the treadmill, as running on the machine does not replace street workouts. On the asphalt, you will have contact with elements that will prepare you for the day of your race. Training on the street and on the treadmill should be interspersed, one complements the other.a