what is the most effective method of treatment?

what is the most effective method of treatment?

The most prevalent sex issue that men bring up with their doctor is erectile dysfunction, sometimes known as ED. As many as 30 million males are affected. ED is described as the inability to achieve or maintain a sufficiently hard erection during sexual activity.

Even though erection issues are relatively uncommon in men, they should be handled if they become more frequent or occur regularly. ED may occur for a variety of reasons:

  • When the blood supply to the penis is restricted or nerves are damaged, it is most common.
  • Because of anxiety or other negative feelings
  • As a warning sign of a more severe condition, such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, or diabetes-induced elevated blood sugar.

Your general health and well-being will improve if you identify the root causes of your ED. Sex health and heart health tend to go hand-in-hand.

How Erections Work

An increase in blood flow to the penis occurs during sexual stimulation. This is because muscle tissue fills the penis’ two erection chambers with blood (the corpus cavernosum). As a result, the chambers of the corpus cavernosum are solid. To treat with the erection, you can take Cenforce 100 which is having sidernafil Fildena 200 in it. This medication is one of the best prescribed medications to solve the problems of the men.

Blood is trapped in the spongy tissues during erection. The increased blood pressure causes an erection in the chambers. As the orgasm progresses, the second set of nerve impulses is sent to the man’s penis, resulting in the contraction of the penis’ muscles, which causes blood to return to the man’s circulation.

Softness and limpness characterize the penis if you’re not sexually stimulated. In addition, it is common for men to observe that the size of their penis changes in response to changes in body temperature, cold, or anxiety. This reflects the proper flow of blood into and out of the penis.


A doctor can diagnose erectile dysfunction and propose therapy with a simple physical exam and a few questions about a patient’s medical history. However, if your doctor feels that an underlying medical problem is at play, you may require more testing or a meeting with a specialist. Diagnostic procedures may include the following:

  • Examine the body: Your testicles and penis should be thoroughly examined, and your nerves should be tested for any feeling.
  • Blood tests: The results of a blood test may reveal indicators of heart disease, diabetes, and low testosterone levels, among other health concerns.
  • Urine testing (urinalysis): Diabetes and other health issues may be detected by urine testing, much as blood tests.
  • Ultrasound: Typically, a specialist does this test in a doctor’s office. An ultrasound transducer (wand-like instrument) is held over the blood vessels that feed the penis and detect abnormalities. To determine whether you have any issues with blood flow, your doctor may use this device to produce a video picture. An injection of medicine into the penis is occasionally used in conjunction with this test to enhance blood flow and induce an erection.
  • Examination of the mind using a psychologist: To rule out depression and other psychological reasons for erectile dysfunction, you may be asked questions by your doctor.


To determine the root cause of your erectile dysfunction, your doctor will first do a physical examination to rule out any underlying medical disorders.

Erectile dysfunction may be treated in various ways, depending on the source and severity of the problem and any underlying health concerns. There are many options for therapy, and your doctor can help you weigh the pros and downsides. In addition, your mate’s tastes might influence your treatment decisions. If you need to take the treatment of your importance, same like the medicine named Vidalista 20 is the drug which is used to give hardness in your erection. 

Oral medications

Many men find oral medicines to be an effective therapy for erectile dysfunction. Included are:

  • Sildenafil (Viagra)
  • Tadalafil, Cialis)
  • Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn)
  • Avanafil (Stendra)

Nitric oxide is a naturally occurring molecule that relaxes the muscles of the penis, and all four medicines enhance the effects of this molecule. Nitric oxide is also known as the “love hormone.” It is possible that as a consequence of this, you may have an erection in response to sexual stimulation.

If you take one of these tablets, you will not instantly get an erection. This is because when you are sexually excited, nitric oxide is produced from your penile nerves in the first few minutes. Consequently, these medications may be able to assist some patients in regaining normal penile function. People with normal erections do not need oral erectile dysfunction medicines, which are not aphrodisiacs, since they do not have abnormal erections.

Each medication has a unique dosage, duration of action, and harmful effects that must be considered. Flushing, nasal congestion, headaches, eye issues, backaches, and stomach discomfort are all potential side effects of using this medication, among other things.

Your doctor will consider several criteria to determine which medication is the fittest for you. Likely, you won’t experience any outcomes from these medications for an extended period. It may be necessary to talk with your doctor to determine the right medicine and dosage. Vidalista 20 having phosphodiesterase 5 in it is used to treat ED. Consult your doctor and take the medication on time. Vidalista also contains Tadalafil which is a main ingredient of the drug. It increase the blood flow in the penis.